Plan, Preserve & Protect

Estate Planning

We work closely with our clients to advise them regarding the best way to own and manage their property while alive and, at death, leave property to their intended beneficiaries – spouses, children, family members and charities. We perform a complete inventory of your estate.

Elder Law

Our Elderly face a complex legal landscape.  The following are just some of the legal issues our clients face: The Federal and New Jersey laws and regulations governing taxes, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, trusts, veterans’ benefits, nursing homes, and more.

Medicaid Planning & Medicaid Applications

Medicaid is the federally funded program which can provide healthcare benefits to disabled individuals and children, pregnant women, uninsured individuals with low income and senior citizens who are in need of nursing home care.

Guardianship & Special Needs

In New Jersey, a legal guardian may be established over a person that is a minor, mentally incapacitated, disabled, or is suffering from severe dementia. We can guide as you appoint a guardian, as well as help you fulfill duties as a guardian.